Upcoming events and actions.
Statewide Advocacy Days
Thurs, Jan 30, and Mon, Feb 17
Want to attend an event?
Want to volunteer to help at an event?
Want to let us know about an upcoming event?
Want to host an event?
National Partnership for Community Leadership Fatherhood Conference
The National Partnership for Community Leadership is hosting their 26th Annual International Fatherhood Conference on June 4-6, 2024.
Power in the Park Event
Come to this event at New Hampshire Estates to learn about utility bill assistance, saving energy, clean energy, and healthy homes.
Resilience Hub Workshop
As part of its efforts to address climate-related risks and reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, Montgomery County will offer a free workshop on the role resilience hubs can play in helping our community adapt and thrive.
Reimagining Housing for Older Adults Forum
Reimagining Housing for Older Adults Forum: Ideas and Actions to make Housing Available, Affordable, and Accessible
Statewide Action Team Meeting
Join us to celebrate our statewide victories, evaluate, and plan our next steps as a statewide collective.
Interfaith Community Playhouse Build
Join Bender JCC and Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland for an interfaith community-wide playhouse build to raise money for affordable housing construction.
Washington Hebrew Freedom Passover Seder
Our member congregation Washington Hebrew invites you to share a special Freedom Passover Seder in the spirit of unity.
Surviving to Thriving Along the Purple Line
The Purple Line Corridor Coalition is hosting a community-building event on Wednesday, April 24th from 5:00-8:45 pm.
Legislative Update Meeting on Climate & Housing
Legislative Update Meeting on Climate & Housing
Universal Pre-K Action
Meet with us to tell our Montgomery County councilmembers and executives we want them to expand pre-K for low-income families quickly, starting this year.
March 13 Statewide Advocacy Day & EmPOWER Rally
March 13 Statewide Advocacy Day & EmPOWER Rally
Universal Pre-K Action Rehearsal
We’ll prepare for our Universal Pre-K Action on March 17.