AIM's 2022 Impact Report
A look back. And a bold look ahead.
Message from AIM Co-Chairs
Dear AIM Leaders and Supporters:
First of all, THANK YOU. For AIM it has been a year of growth, development, new alliances, candidate actions, and winning on issues that address the systemic inequities in our county and state.
As always, the center of our work has been building relationships across racial, geographical, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We overcame isolation and separation to listen, learn, and rediscover our common values and goals for a more just Montgomery and Maryland.
This year, we have accomplished more than we anticipated. We have grown our staff and capacity, tested the waters of statewide power, and won campaigns on both small and large scales, impacting tens of thousands of people. We are poised to be at the center of making our county and state a more equitable place for everyone to live.
As you know, AIM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Much of our work is made possible from donations from individual donors, including many of you! These generous gifts allow us the independence to address the needs our leaders and community members identify, and to do non-partisan but important political work.
Thank you again for all you do for AIM. Below you will find out more about our impact this year, and a link to our online impact report!
Diana Bird, Linda Bleadingheiser, and Rev. Michael Armstrong
AIM Co-Chairs

As the year draws to a close, we ask you to consider giving a donation to AIM. Our goal is to raise $25,000 in December so we can continue to expand and grow our statewide work on Universal Pre-K and Climate Justice.
AIM’s Impact in 2022
Expanded Afterschool Programs
Excel Beyond the Bell Elementary was expanded to 14 schools by January 2023, serving hundreds of low-income students and families every weekday with academics, enrichment, a hot dinner, and parent organizing to address local issues.
Increased Affordable Housing
The County Council and Executive, with support from AIM, increased funding for subsidizing and developing affordable housing to over $120M. This puts the total AIM has won over the past 20 years to more than $1.1 BILLION! We also won a commitment to build affordable housing on the Chevy Chase Library when it is redeveloped.
Expanded Dental Care
AIM secured $100,000 in specialized dental care for uninsured adults in Montgomery County.
Delivering for Local Communities
Tenants across Montgomery County have successfully organized to win local victories on community safety, restoring bus service, building renovations, and more!
Police Reform
AIM leaders won improvements to the new Police Accountability Board, board member compensation, funding for full-time board staff, and ensuring the board reflects the diversity of the county.
AIM People’s Goals for 2022-2025
- Universal PreK
- Dental Care for the Uninsured
- Transit-Oriented Affordable Housing
- Increased Access to College Funding
- Housing Quality and Stabilization for Low-Income Residents
- Expanded Afterschool Programming
- Climate Justice–Equitable Implementation of Green Solutions
Expansion of Aim
For our 20th Anniversary in 2020 we launched a donor campaign to expand our staff and organizing in low-income communities. Thanks to generous support from individuals and foundations, we now have four full-time staff, plus a part-time neighborhood organizer and a half-time administrator!
Another top goal for 2022 was to expand our statewide work. In partnership with our sister organizations, PATH in Howard County and ACT in Anne Arundel County, we held actions with statewide candidates for Governor, Attorney General, and Comptroller in both the June Primary and November General Election.
The candidates made significant commitments to us on our agenda, and we continue to organize the people power required with the goal of winning on Universal Pre-K, Climate Justice, and Affordable Housing statewide.
As the year draws to a close, we ask you to consider giving a donation to AIM. Our goal is to raise $25,000 in December so we can continue to expand and grow our statewide work on Universal Pre-K and Climate Justice.